
Showing posts from 2013

Wintry stop on Abbey way

Now as a paper book!

Kings' best cradle.

Autumn by mail: from Cambridge with hope.

Solitude in black and white

Two wheels and a bit of colour

Lighthouses and the sun

Remember before God

Minster in graveyard shift

Sunny spells in Southwell

An exercise in picturing the nature of Scotland

Day light, night light

Beautiful Scotland

Reminiscences of one birthday

...for my house shall be called an house of prayer...

By the sea: the Island Nation V

Gray December

Winter night walks


Where Clouds meet Sands

Dreaming of a white Christmas

Punting on Cam

Walls have eyes and ears...

A bit of colour in plain summer

Where The Apple fell down

Admirable Me!

Two wheels and a bit of solitude

A garden troupe



Many faces of the capital. The Island nation IV.

And then - silence

India tale: motorcycle trio

For a candle lit window in the night

Unbearable Black and White . The Island Nation III.

Split hearts of the Island Nation

The Reformation imprint

The Island Nation: winds, fog, sail, salt water.

The Island Nation: at the seaside

My paper ship

Memento mori

Good night!

Changes are good!

Life is the roadside

Holy cows and others

Casual encounters

India tale

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